A wired network is one where each computer is connected to the network through a cable. These cables typically look like a slightly fatter than normal telephone cable. Until fairly recently, wired networks were the only available option.
Wired networks offer several advantages:
1.The equipment for a wired network is inexpensive.
2.Many computers built in the past few years have a wired network adapter built in.
3.Wired networks move information somewhat faster than wireless networks.
4.Wired networks are generally more secure than wireless networks because they are harder to access physically.
On the other hand, wired networks have some disadvantages, too:
1.Running the wires from room to room can be difficult.
2.Network cables can look messy.
3.Network cables can come loose and cause the connection to fail
4.Adding more computers to a wired network might result in unexpected expense if you run out of connections on your network.
All wired networks are not the same. The most common type of wired network is called an Ethernet network, and it uses special network cables. Some wired networks make use of the existing telephone wiring or your home's power lines, but telephone line and power line networks are not as popular as the Ethernet network.
Wired Networks
Category : Network